*/ interface Traversable extends iterable {} /** * Interface to create an external Iterator. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.iteratoraggregate.php * @template TKey * @template-covariant TValue * @template-implements Traversable */ interface IteratorAggregate extends Traversable { /** * Retrieve an external iterator * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iteratoraggregate.getiterator.php * @return Traversable|TValue[] An instance of an object implementing Iterator or * Traversable * @throws Exception on failure. */ #[TentativeType] public function getIterator(): Traversable; } /** * Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated * themselves internally. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.iterator.php * @template TKey * @template-covariant TValue * @template-implements Traversable */ interface Iterator extends Traversable { /** * Return the current element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return TValue Can return any type. */ #[TentativeType] public function current(): mixed; /** * Move forward to next element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. */ #[TentativeType] public function next(): void; /** * Return the key of the current element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php * @return TKey|null TKey on success, or null on failure. */ #[TentativeType] public function key(): mixed; /** * Checks if current position is valid * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.valid.php * @return bool The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated. * Returns true on success or false on failure. */ #[TentativeType] public function valid(): bool; /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. */ #[TentativeType] public function rewind(): void; } /** * Interface to provide accessing objects as arrays. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.arrayaccess.php * @template TKey * @template TValue */ interface ArrayAccess { /** * Whether a offset exists * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetexists.php * @param mixed $offset

* An offset to check for. *

* @return bool true on success or false on failure. *


* The return value will be casted to boolean if non-boolean was returned. */ #[TentativeType] public function offsetExists(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'mixed'], default: '')] $offset): bool; /** * Offset to retrieve * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetget.php * @param mixed $offset

* The offset to retrieve. *

* @return TValue Can return all value types. */ #[TentativeType] public function offsetGet(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'mixed'], default: '')] $offset): mixed; /** * Offset to set * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetset.php * @param TKey $offset

* The offset to assign the value to. *

* @param TValue $value

* The value to set. *

* @return void */ #[TentativeType] public function offsetSet( #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'mixed'], default: '')] $offset, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'mixed'], default: '')] $value ): void; /** * Offset to unset * @link https://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetunset.php * @param TKey $offset

* The offset to unset. *

* @return void */ #[TentativeType] public function offsetUnset(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'mixed'], default: '')] $offset): void; } /** * Interface for customized serializing.
* As of PHP 8.1.0, a class which implements Serializable without also implementing `__serialize()` and `__unserialize()` * will generate a deprecation warning. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.serializable.php */ interface Serializable { /** * String representation of object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/serializable.serialize.php * @return string|null The string representation of the object or null * @throws Exception Returning other type than string or null */ public function serialize(); /** * Constructs the object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/serializable.unserialize.php * @param string $data The string representation of the object. * @return void */ public function unserialize(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string'], default: '')] $data); } /** * Throwable is the base interface for any object that can be thrown via a throw statement in PHP 7, * including Error and Exception. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.throwable.php * @since 7.0 */ interface Throwable extends Stringable { /** * Gets the message * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getmessage.php * @return string * @since 7.0 */ public function getMessage(): string; /** * Gets the exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getcode.php * @return int

* Returns the exception code as integer in * {@see Exception} but possibly as other type in * {@see Exception} descendants (for example as * string in {@see PDOException}). *

* @since 7.0 */ public function getCode(); /** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getfile.php * @return string Returns the name of the file from which the object was thrown. * @since 7.0 */ public function getFile(): string; /** * Gets the line on which the object was instantiated * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getline.php * @return int Returns the line number where the thrown object was instantiated. * @since 7.0 */ public function getLine(): int; /** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettrace.php * @return array

* Returns the stack trace as an array in the same format as * {@see debug_backtrace()}. *

* @since 7.0 */ public function getTrace(): array; /** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettraceasstring.php * @return string Returns the stack trace as a string. * @since 7.0 */ public function getTraceAsString(): string; /** * Returns the previous Throwable * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getprevious.php * @return null|Throwable Returns the previous {@see Throwable} if available, or NULL otherwise. * @since 7.0 */ #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'Throwable|null'], default: '')] public function getPrevious(); /** * Gets a string representation of the thrown object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.tostring.php * @return string

Returns the string representation of the thrown object.

* @since 7.0 */ public function __toString(); } /** * Exception is the base class for * all Exceptions. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.exception.php */ class Exception implements Throwable { /** The error message */ protected $message; /** The error code */ protected $code; /** The filename where the error happened */ #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')] protected $file; /** The line where the error happened */ #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')] protected $line; /** * Clone the exception * Tries to clone the Exception, which results in Fatal error. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.clone.php * @return void */ #[PhpStormStubsElementAvailable(from: "5.4", to: "8.0")] final private function __clone(): void {} /** * Clone the exception * Tries to clone the Exception, which results in Fatal error. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.clone.php * @return void */ #[PhpStormStubsElementAvailable("8.1")] private function __clone(): void {} /** * Construct the exception. Note: The message is NOT binary safe. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Exception message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Exception code. * @param null|Throwable $previous [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining. */ #[Pure] public function __construct( #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string'], default: '')] $message = "", #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'int'], default: '')] $code = 0, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'Throwable|null'], default: 'Throwable')] $previous = null ) {} /** * Gets the Exception message * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getmessage.php * @return string the Exception message as a string. */ #[Pure] final public function getMessage(): string {} /** * Gets the Exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getcode.php * @return mixed|int the exception code as integer in * Exception but possibly as other type in * Exception descendants (for example as * string in PDOException). */ #[Pure] final public function getCode() {} /** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getfile.php * @return string the filename in which the exception was created. */ #[Pure] final public function getFile(): string {} /** * Gets the line in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getline.php * @return int the line number where the exception was created. */ #[Pure] final public function getLine(): int {} /** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.gettrace.php * @return array the Exception stack trace as an array. */ #[Pure] final public function getTrace(): array {} /** * Returns previous Exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.getprevious.php * @return null|Throwable Returns the previous {@see Throwable} if available, or NULL otherwise. * or null otherwise. */ #[Pure] final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {} /** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.gettraceasstring.php * @return string the Exception stack trace as a string. */ #[Pure] final public function getTraceAsString(): string {} /** * String representation of the exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/exception.tostring.php * @return string the string representation of the exception. */ #[TentativeType] public function __toString(): string {} #[TentativeType] public function __wakeup(): void {} } /** * Error is the base class for all internal PHP error exceptions. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.error.php * @since 7.0 */ class Error implements Throwable { /** The error message */ protected $message; /** The error code */ protected $code; /** The filename where the error happened */ #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')] protected $file; /** The line where the error happened */ #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')] protected $line; /** * Construct the error object. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/error.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Error message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Error code. * @param null|Throwable $previous [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining. */ #[Pure] public function __construct( #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string'], default: '')] $message = "", #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'int'], default: '')] $code = 0, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'Throwable|null'], default: 'Throwable')] $previous = null ) {} /*** * Gets the message * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getmessage.php * @return string * @since 7.0 */ final public function getMessage(): string {} /** * Gets the exception code * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getcode.php * @return int

* Returns the exception code as integer in * {@see Exception} but possibly as other type in * {@see Exception} descendants (for example as * string in {@see PDOException}). *

* @since 7.0 */ final public function getCode() {} /** * Gets the file in which the exception occurred * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getfile.php * @return string Returns the name of the file from which the object was thrown. * @since 7.0 */ final public function getFile(): string {} /** * Gets the line on which the object was instantiated * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getline.php * @return int Returns the line number where the thrown object was instantiated. * @since 7.0 */ final public function getLine(): int {} /** * Gets the stack trace * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettrace.php * @return array

* Returns the stack trace as an array in the same format as * {@see debug_backtrace()}. *

* @since 7.0 */ final public function getTrace(): array {} /** * Gets the stack trace as a string * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.gettraceasstring.php * @return string Returns the stack trace as a string. * @since 7.0 */ final public function getTraceAsString(): string {} /** * Returns the previous Throwable * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getprevious.php * @return null|Throwable Returns the previous {@see Throwable} if available, or NULL otherwise. * @since 7.0 */ final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {} /** * Gets a string representation of the thrown object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/throwable.tostring.php * @return string

Returns the string representation of the thrown object.

* @since 7.0 */ public function __toString(): string {} /** * Clone the error * Error can not be clone, so this method results in fatal error. * @return void * @link https://php.net/manual/en/error.clone.php */ #[PhpStormStubsElementAvailable(from: "7.0", to: "8.0")] final private function __clone(): void {} /** * Clone the error * Error can not be clone, so this method results in fatal error. * @return void * @link https://php.net/manual/en/error.clone.php */ #[PhpStormStubsElementAvailable('8.1')] private function __clone(): void {} #[TentativeType] public function __wakeup(): void {} } class ValueError extends Error {} /** * There are three scenarios where a TypeError may be thrown. * The first is where the argument type being passed to a function does not match its corresponding declared * parameter type. The second is where a value being returned from a function does not match the declared function return type. The third is where an * invalid number of arguments are passed to a built-in PHP function (strict mode only). * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.typeerror.php * @since 7.0 */ class TypeError extends Error {} /** * ParseError is thrown when an error occurs while parsing PHP code, such as when {@see eval()} is called. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.parseerror.php * @since 7.0 */ class ParseError extends CompileError {} /** * ArgumentCountError is thrown when too few arguments are passed to a user * defined routine. * * @since 7.1 * @see https://php.net/migration71.incompatible#migration71.incompatible.too-few-arguments-exception */ class ArgumentCountError extends TypeError {} /** * ArithmeticError is thrown when an error occurs while performing mathematical operations. * In PHP 7.0, these errors include attempting to perform a bitshift by a negative amount, * and any call to {@see intdiv()} that would result in a value outside the possible bounds of an integer. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.arithmeticerror.php * @since 7.0 */ class ArithmeticError extends Error {} /** * Class CompileError * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.compileerror.php * @since 7.3 */ class CompileError extends Error {} /** * DivisionByZeroError is thrown when an attempt is made to divide a number by zero. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.divisionbyzeroerror.php * @since 7.0 */ class DivisionByZeroError extends ArithmeticError {} /** * @since 8.0 */ class UnhandledMatchError extends Error {} /** * An Error Exception. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.errorexception.php */ class ErrorException extends Exception { #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')] protected $severity; /** * Constructs the exception * @link https://php.net/manual/en/errorexception.construct.php * @param string $message [optional] The Exception message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Exception code. * @param int $severity [optional] The severity level of the exception. * @param string $filename [optional] The filename where the exception is thrown. * @param int $line [optional] The line number where the exception is thrown. * @param Exception $previous [optional] The previous exception used for the exception chaining. */ #[Pure] public function __construct( #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string'], default: '')] $message = "", #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'int'], default: '')] $code = 0, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'int'], default: '')] $severity = 1, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string|null'], default: '')] $filename = __FILE__, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'int|null'], default: '')] $line = __LINE__, #[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'Throwable|null'], default: 'Throwable')] $previous = null ) {} /** * Gets the exception severity * @link https://php.net/manual/en/errorexception.getseverity.php * @return int the severity level of the exception. */ final public function getSeverity(): int {} } /** * Class used to represent anonymous functions. *

Anonymous functions, implemented in PHP 5.3, yield objects of this type. * This fact used to be considered an implementation detail, but it can now be relied upon. * Starting with PHP 5.4, this class has methods that allow further control of the anonymous function after it has been created. *

Besides the methods listed here, this class also has an __invoke method. * This is for consistency with other classes that implement calling magic, as this method is not used for calling the function. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.closure.php */ final class Closure { /** * This method exists only to disallow instantiation of the Closure class. * Objects of this class are created in the fashion described on the anonymous functions page. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.construct.php */ private function __construct() {} /** * This is for consistency with other classes that implement calling magic, * as this method is not used for calling the function. * @param mixed ...$_ [optional] * @return mixed * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.closure.php */ public function __invoke(...$_) {} /** * Duplicates the closure with a new bound object and class scope * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.bindto.php * @param object|null $newThis The object to which the given anonymous function should be bound, or NULL for the closure to be unbound. * @param mixed $newScope The class scope to which associate the closure is to be associated, or 'static' to keep the current one. * If an object is given, the type of the object will be used instead. * This determines the visibility of protected and private methods of the bound object. * @return Closure|false Returns the newly created Closure object or FALSE on failure */ public function bindTo(?object $newThis, object|string|null $newScope = 'static'): ?Closure {} /** * This method is a static version of Closure::bindTo(). * See the documentation of that method for more information. * @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/closure.bind.php * @param Closure $closure The anonymous functions to bind. * @param object|null $newThis The object to which the given anonymous function should be bound, or NULL for the closure to be unbound. * @param mixed $newScope The class scope to which associate the closure is to be associated, or 'static' to keep the current one. * If an object is given, the type of the object will be used instead. * This determines the visibility of protected and private methods of the bound object. * @return Closure|false Returns the newly created Closure object or FALSE on failure */ public static function bind(Closure $closure, ?object $newThis, object|string|null $newScope = 'static'): ?Closure {} /** * Temporarily binds the closure to newthis, and calls it with any given parameters. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/closure.call.php * @param object $newThis The object to bind the closure to for the duration of the call. * @param mixed $args [optional] Zero or more parameters, which will be given as parameters to the closure. * @return mixed * @since 7.0 */ public function call(object $newThis, mixed ...$args): mixed {} /** * @param callable $callback * @return Closure * @since 7.1 */ public static function fromCallable(callable $callback): Closure {} } /** * Classes implementing Countable can be used with the * count function. * @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.countable.php */ interface Countable { /** * Count elements of an object * @link https://php.net/manual/en/countable.count.php * @return int<0,max> The custom count as an integer. *

* The return value is cast to an integer. *

*/ #[TentativeType] public function count(): int; } /** * Weak references allow the programmer to retain a reference to an * object which does not prevent the object from being destroyed. * They are useful for implementing cache like structures. * @template T of object * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.weakreference.php * @since 7.4 */ final class WeakReference { /** * This method exists only to disallow instantiation of the WeakReference * class. Weak references are to be instantiated with the factory method * WeakReference::create(). */ public function __construct() {} /** * Create a new weak reference. * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/weakreference.create.php * @template TIn of object * @param TIn $object Any object. * @return WeakReference The freshly instantiated object. * @since 7.4 */ public static function create(object $object): WeakReference {} /** * Gets a weakly referenced object. If the object has already been * destroyed, NULL is returned. * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/weakreference.get.php * @return T|null * @since 7.4 */ public function get(): ?object {} } /** * Weak maps allow creating a map from objects to arbitrary values * (similar to SplObjectStorage) without preventing the objects that are used * as keys from being garbage collected. If an object key is garbage collected, * it will simply be removed from the map. * * @since 8.0 * * @template TKey of object * @template TValue * @template-implements IteratorAggregate */ final class WeakMap implements ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate { /** * Returns {@see true} if the value for the object is contained in * the {@see WeakMap} and {@see false} instead. * * @param TKey $object Any object * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($object): bool {} /** * Returns the existsing value by an object. * * @param TKey $object Any object * @return TValue Value associated with the key object */ public function offsetGet($object): mixed {} /** * Sets a new value for an object. * * @param TKey $object Any object * @param TValue $value Any value * @return void */ public function offsetSet($object, mixed $value): void {} /** * Force removes an object value from the {@see WeakMap} instance. * * @param TKey $object Any object * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($object): void {} /** * Returns an iterator in the "[object => mixed]" format. * * @return Traversable */ public function getIterator(): Iterator {} /** * Returns the number of items in the {@see WeakMap} instance. * * @return int<0,max> */ public function count(): int {} } /** * Stringable interface denotes a class as having a __toString() method. * * @since 8.0 */ interface Stringable { /** * Magic method {@see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php#object.tostring} * allows a class to decide how it will react when it is treated like a string. * * @return string Returns string representation of the object that * implements this interface (and/or "__toString" magic method). */ public function __toString(): string; } /** * @since 8.0 */ #[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_CLASS)] final class Attribute { public int $flags; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in classes. */ public const TARGET_CLASS = 1; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in functions. */ public const TARGET_FUNCTION = 2; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in class methods. */ public const TARGET_METHOD = 4; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in class properties. */ public const TARGET_PROPERTY = 8; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in class constants. */ public const TARGET_CLASS_CONSTANT = 16; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in function or method parameters. */ public const TARGET_PARAMETER = 32; /** * Marks that attribute declaration is allowed anywhere. */ public const TARGET_ALL = 63; /** * Notes that an attribute declaration in the same place is * allowed multiple times. */ public const IS_REPEATABLE = 64; /** * @param int $flags A value in the form of a bitmask indicating the places * where attributes can be defined. */ public function __construct(#[ExpectedValues(flagsFromClass: Attribute::class)] int $flags = self::TARGET_ALL) {} } /** * @since 8.0 */ final class InternalIterator implements Iterator { private function __construct() {} public function current(): mixed {} public function next(): void {} public function key(): mixed {} public function valid(): bool {} public function rewind(): void {} } /** * @since 8.1 */ interface UnitEnum { public readonly string $name; /** * @return static[] */ #[Pure] public static function cases(): array; } /** * @since 8.1 */ interface BackedEnum extends UnitEnum { public readonly int|string $value; /** * @param int|string $value * @return static */ #[Pure] public static function from(int|string $value): static; /** * @param int|string $value * @return static|null */ #[Pure] public static function tryFrom(int|string $value): ?static; } /** * @since 8.1 * @internal * * Internal interface to ensure precise type inference */ interface IntBackedEnum extends BackedEnum { public readonly int $value; /** * @param int $value * @return static */ #[Pure] public static function from(int $value): static; /** * @param int $value * @return static|null */ #[Pure] public static function tryFrom(int $value): ?static; } /** * @since 8.1 * @internal * * Internal interface to ensure precise type inference */ interface StringBackedEnum extends BackedEnum { public readonly string $value; #[Pure] public static function from(string $value): static; #[Pure] public static function tryFrom(string $value): ?static; } /** * @since 8.1 * * @template TStart * @template TResume * @template TReturn * @template TSuspend */ final class Fiber { /** * @param callable $callback Function to invoke when starting the fiber. */ public function __construct(callable $callback) {} /** * Starts execution of the fiber. Returns when the fiber suspends or terminates. * * @param TStart ...$args Arguments passed to fiber function. * * @return TSuspend|null Value from the first suspension point or NULL if the fiber returns. * * @throws FiberError If the fiber has already been started. * @throws Throwable If the fiber callable throws an uncaught exception. */ public function start(mixed ...$args): mixed {} /** * Resumes the fiber, returning the given value from {@see Fiber::suspend()}. * Returns when the fiber suspends or terminates. * * @param TResume $value * * @return TSuspend|null Value from the next suspension point or NULL if the fiber returns. * * @throws FiberError If the fiber has not started, is running, or has terminated. * @throws Throwable If the fiber callable throws an uncaught exception. */ public function resume(mixed $value = null): mixed {} /** * Throws the given exception into the fiber from {@see Fiber::suspend()}. * Returns when the fiber suspends or terminates. * * @param Throwable $exception * * @return TSuspend|null Value from the next suspension point or NULL if the fiber returns. * * @throws FiberError If the fiber has not started, is running, or has terminated. * @throws Throwable If the fiber callable throws an uncaught exception. */ public function throw(Throwable $exception): mixed {} /** * @return bool True if the fiber has been started. */ public function isStarted(): bool {} /** * @return bool True if the fiber is suspended. */ public function isSuspended(): bool {} /** * @return bool True if the fiber is currently running. */ public function isRunning(): bool {} /** * @return bool True if the fiber has completed execution (returned or threw). */ public function isTerminated(): bool {} /** * @return TReturn Return value of the fiber callback. NULL is returned if the fiber does not have a return statement. * * @throws FiberError If the fiber has not terminated or the fiber threw an exception. */ public function getReturn(): mixed {} /** * @return self|null Returns the currently executing fiber instance or NULL if in {main}. */ public static function getCurrent(): ?Fiber {} /** * Suspend execution of the fiber. The fiber may be resumed with {@see Fiber::resume()} or {@see Fiber::throw()}. * * Cannot be called from {main}. * * @param TSuspend $value Value to return from {@see Fiber::resume()} or {@see Fiber::throw()}. * * @return TResume Value provided to {@see Fiber::resume()}. * * @throws FiberError Thrown if not within a fiber (i.e., if called from {main}). * @throws Throwable Exception provided to {@see Fiber::throw()}. */ public static function suspend(mixed $value = null): mixed {} } /** * @since 8.1 */ final class FiberError extends Error { public function __construct() {} } /** * @since 8.1 */ #[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_METHOD)] final class ReturnTypeWillChange { public function __construct() {} } /** * @since 8.2 */ #[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_CLASS)] final class AllowDynamicProperties { public function __construct() {} } /** * @since 8.2 */ #[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_PARAMETER)] final class SensitiveParameter { public function __construct() {} } /** * @since 8.2 */ final class SensitiveParameterValue { private readonly mixed $value; public function __construct(mixed $value) {} public function getValue(): mixed {} public function __debugInfo(): array {} } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MTIzNTI3MzM1NTMxMDI3NyAzMDE3OTAyMTkwNjIzNDMxIDQwMzU4Njc1Njk2Mjc1MTI=