privateKey = $privateKey; $this->domainName = $domainName; $this->signerIdentity = '@'.$domainName; $this->selector = $selector; } /** * Resets internal states. * * @return $this */ public function reset() { $this->hashHandler = null; $this->bodyCanonIgnoreStart = 2; $this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter = 0; $this->bodyCanonLastChar = null; $this->bodyCanonSpace = false; return $this; } /** * Writes $bytes to the end of the stream. * * Writing may not happen immediately if the stream chooses to buffer. If * you want to write these bytes with immediate effect, call {@link commit()} * after calling write(). * * This method returns the sequence ID of the write (i.e. 1 for first, 2 for * second, etc etc). * * @param string $bytes * * @return int * * @throws Swift_IoException * * @return $this */ public function write($bytes) { $this->canonicalizeBody($bytes); foreach ($this->bound as $is) { $is->write($bytes); } return $this; } /** * For any bytes that are currently buffered inside the stream, force them * off the buffer. * * @throws Swift_IoException * * @return $this */ public function commit() { // Nothing to do return $this; } /** * Attach $is to this stream. * * The stream acts as an observer, receiving all data that is written. * All {@link write()} and {@link flushBuffers()} operations will be mirrored. * * @return $this */ public function bind(Swift_InputByteStream $is) { // Don't have to mirror anything $this->bound[] = $is; return $this; } /** * Remove an already bound stream. * * If $is is not bound, no errors will be raised. * If the stream currently has any buffered data it will be written to $is * before unbinding occurs. * * @return $this */ public function unbind(Swift_InputByteStream $is) { // Don't have to mirror anything foreach ($this->bound as $k => $stream) { if ($stream === $is) { unset($this->bound[$k]); break; } } return $this; } /** * Flush the contents of the stream (empty it) and set the internal pointer * to the beginning. * * @throws Swift_IoException * * @return $this */ public function flushBuffers() { $this->reset(); return $this; } /** * Set hash_algorithm, must be one of rsa-sha256 | rsa-sha1 defaults to rsa-sha256. * * @param string $hash * * @return $this */ public function setHashAlgorithm($hash) { $this->hashAlgorithm = 'rsa-sha1'; return $this; } /** * Set the canonicalization algorithm. * * @param string $canon simple | nofws defaults to simple * * @return $this */ public function setCanon($canon) { if ('nofws' == $canon) { $this->canon = 'nofws'; } else { $this->canon = 'simple'; } return $this; } /** * Set the signer identity. * * @param string $identity * * @return $this */ public function setSignerIdentity($identity) { $this->signerIdentity = $identity; return $this; } /** * Enable / disable the DebugHeaders. * * @param bool $debug * * @return $this */ public function setDebugHeaders($debug) { $this->debugHeaders = (bool) $debug; return $this; } /** * Start Body. */ public function startBody() { } /** * End Body. */ public function endBody() { $this->endOfBody(); } /** * Returns the list of Headers Tampered by this plugin. * * @return array */ public function getAlteredHeaders() { if ($this->debugHeaders) { return ['DomainKey-Signature', 'X-DebugHash']; } return ['DomainKey-Signature']; } /** * Adds an ignored Header. * * @param string $header_name * * @return $this */ public function ignoreHeader($header_name) { $this->ignoredHeaders[strtolower($header_name ?? '')] = true; return $this; } /** * Set the headers to sign. * * @return $this */ public function setHeaders(Swift_Mime_SimpleHeaderSet $headers) { $this->startHash(); $this->canonData = ''; // Loop through Headers $listHeaders = $headers->listAll(); foreach ($listHeaders as $hName) { // Check if we need to ignore Header if (!isset($this->ignoredHeaders[strtolower($hName ?? '')])) { if ($headers->has($hName)) { $tmp = $headers->getAll($hName); foreach ($tmp as $header) { if ('' != $header->getFieldBody()) { $this->addHeader($header->toString()); $this->signedHeaders[] = $header->getFieldName(); } } } } } $this->endOfHeaders(); return $this; } /** * Add the signature to the given Headers. * * @return $this */ public function addSignature(Swift_Mime_SimpleHeaderSet $headers) { // Prepare the DomainKey-Signature Header $params = ['a' => $this->hashAlgorithm, 'b' => chunk_split(base64_encode($this->getEncryptedHash() ?? ''), 73, ' '), 'c' => $this->canon, 'd' => $this->domainName, 'h' => implode(': ', $this->signedHeaders), 'q' => 'dns', 's' => $this->selector]; $string = ''; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $string .= $k.'='.$v.'; '; } $string = trim($string); $headers->addTextHeader('DomainKey-Signature', $string); return $this; } protected function addHeader($header) { switch ($this->canon) { case 'nofws': // Prepare Header and cascade $exploded = explode(':', $header, 2); $name = strtolower(trim($exploded[0])); $value = str_replace("\r\n", '', $exploded[1]); $value = preg_replace("/[ \t][ \t]+/", ' ', $value); $header = $name.':'.trim($value)."\r\n"; // no break case 'simple': // Nothing to do } $this->addToHash($header); } protected function endOfHeaders() { $this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter = 1; } protected function canonicalizeBody($string) { $len = strlen($string); $canon = ''; $nofws = ('nofws' == $this->canon); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { if ($this->bodyCanonIgnoreStart > 0) { --$this->bodyCanonIgnoreStart; continue; } switch ($string[$i]) { case "\r": $this->bodyCanonLastChar = "\r"; break; case "\n": if ("\r" == $this->bodyCanonLastChar) { if ($nofws) { $this->bodyCanonSpace = false; } if ('' == $this->bodyCanonLine) { ++$this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter; } else { $this->bodyCanonLine = ''; $canon .= "\r\n"; } } else { // Wooops Error throw new Swift_SwiftException('Invalid new line sequence in mail found \n without preceding \r'); } break; case ' ': case "\t": case "\x09": //HTAB if ($nofws) { $this->bodyCanonSpace = true; break; } // no break default: if ($this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter > 0) { $canon .= str_repeat("\r\n", $this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter); $this->bodyCanonEmptyCounter = 0; } $this->bodyCanonLine .= $string[$i]; $canon .= $string[$i]; } } $this->addToHash($canon); } protected function endOfBody() { if (strlen($this->bodyCanonLine) > 0) { $this->addToHash("\r\n"); } } private function addToHash($string) { $this->canonData .= $string; hash_update($this->hashHandler, $string); } private function startHash() { // Init switch ($this->hashAlgorithm) { case 'rsa-sha1': $this->hashHandler = hash_init('sha1'); break; } $this->bodyCanonLine = ''; } /** * @throws Swift_SwiftException * * @return string */ private function getEncryptedHash() { $signature = ''; $pkeyId = openssl_get_privatekey($this->privateKey); if (!$pkeyId) { throw new Swift_SwiftException('Unable to load DomainKey Private Key ['.openssl_error_string().']'); } if (openssl_sign($this->canonData, $signature, $pkeyId, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1)) { return $signature; } throw new Swift_SwiftException('Unable to sign DomainKey Hash ['.openssl_error_string().']'); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDY3Nzg4NzM5MDkxMzY5OSA3NDU1MTg4NDg3NDY2NDM2IDMxMjM2MjEzODEwMjY0NTY=